Turn up your resolve to let go of things (or people) that limit you—find ways that are more in line with who you are and how you operate.
Feel like you’re in quicksand? That no matter what you do, it's like you’re sinking deeper? Sometimes our goals at Berkeley seem like they’re out of reach because there are too many obstacles. We can help you find a boost, some inspiration, or ways to break through little by little to get you where you want to be... (uhh, like unstuck, maybe?)
Content Filters
Be your Best Bear.
ACADEMIC TIPS FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS. Doing your best work at Berkeley can be especially difficult without some extra pro tips...
Chart from your heart.
STAFF DEVELOPMENT. If you're ready for a change in the scenery that is your career, you might need a boost to know how to start the process...
Courage. Compassion. Resilience. Repeat.
MAKING GREAT WORKPLACES. In what kinds of environments do we perform at our best?...
Extras for the experts.
FACULTY/DEPARTMENT SUPPORT RESOURCES. Extend the boundaries of your grad student mentorship experience...
Filtering out the noise.
TEACHING IN TROUBLED TIMES. Conducting class with students who are negatively distracted by our socio-political arena can be challenging...
Get your career in gear.
BSA STAFF MENTORSHIP. This volunteer program pairs experienced campus staff members with others looking to develop professionally...
Getting unstuck.
ALCOHOL & DRUG-RELATED SERVICES. You don't have to deal with this alone—we're listening...
Hate-driven actions.
CARE AFTER A HATE CRIME. If you are a target of or witness one, we're here to help...
Healing from sexual assault.
SURVIVOR SUPPORT. If you've experienced sexual violence/harassment, know it's not your fault...
I want the world to know.
LGBTQ COMING OUT. You can find a ton of support in this big step, or for cultivating pride...
Innovation, of course.
CENTER FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING. Wondering how to break out and push the limits of your curriculum?...
Law Law Land.
STUDENT LEGAL SERVICES. Counsel and guidance for registered students regarding their legal questions, rights, and obligations...
Leading the team to victory.
FACULTY RESOURCES. Find information and strategies for working with your team of GSIs, and create a winning spirit in your department...
Let there be light.
STUDENT LEARNING CENTER. Stuck in the dark tunnel of confusion in one (or more) of your classes? A tutor may shed some light...
Life is but a dream job.
CAREER COUNSELING LIBRARY. Take advantage of this unique collection of books, files, directories and electronic resources—and dream!...
Map quest.
GRADUATE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Exploring your potential career destinations is exciting, but how do you prepare for your journey?...
Medical attention.
UNIVERSITY HEALTH SERVICES URGENT CARE. Have a non-emergency medical condition that needs immediate attention?...
On the plus side...
PERSPECTIVE ON NEGATIVE EVENTS. Unexpected outcomes can spin out of control IF we let them get to us...
On-the-job training.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EMPLOYMENT RESOURCES. Programs and services tailored for you!...
Professor de-stressor.
FACULTY OMBUDS. A confidential,* informal, impartial alternative for work-related problem and conflict resolution...
Pros and conflicts.
OMBUDS FOR STUDENTS AND POST DOCS. Find guidance no matter where you are in resolving a tough dispute...
Resolution in a pinch.
STAFF OMBUDS. Approached with compassion and respect, workplace issues can generally be solved amicably between the parties involved...
Short-circuiting the energy of fear.
CULTIVATING COURAGE. Techniques to disrupt the cycle of not getting what you want due to overwhelming fear...
Suitable pursuits.
CAREER CENTER. Your future best fit is out there! What does the path to your first (or next) career position or gig look like?...
Tag team.
SMART MENTORING. Want more from your experience at your degree level? Do the SMART thing...
Take care by taking the PATH.
PATH TO CARE. For those subjected to gendered violence, or who know someone who has, we have a non-judgmental, caring approach to care...
Teacher, teach me.
BEST PRACTICES FOR FACULTY MENTORING. Useful tools and resources for junior faculty—develop your department and yourself!...
The good sort.
STUDENT COUNSELING. Stuck? Try working it out with us. No problem is too big or too small...
Well-employed system.
WISDOM CAFE. Looking to break out of your same ol' same ol' at work and enrich your experience as an employee?...
Who's gonna choose?
PARTY SAFE. The way we celebrate or let off steam or deal with stress is within our power to choose...
HUMAN RESOURCES CONFLICT RESOLUTION. Workplace conflict is actually normal and healthy and there are ways to manage it effectively...
You do you.
ETHICAL COURAGE. Ever hear of moral dilemmas—situations where we may choose something for the wrong reasons?...
Your home away from home.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT HOUSING. Here are several options for finding a place to live while you enjoy your awesome experience at Berkeley.