Turn up your willingness to share your expertise, time, and energy in service of others as much as you are able.
Ever hear of the term "pay it forward"? When someone does something nice for us, when awesome things randomly (or not so randomly) happen to us, or when we learn how to solve our problems better, we can feel grateful. And sharing that love, luck, and wisdom puts us over the top. Let's cultivate a better world together!
Content Filters
A teaching moment.
TEACHING IN TROUBLED TIMES. Seize opportunities to create a safe place for students distracted by negativity in our socio-political arena...
A whole new world.
MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION PROGRAM. Access resources, tools, and workshops to enhance your classroom experience...
At your service.
VOLUNTEERING. You're smart, have a good heart, and can bring yourself and your experience to do something for the common good...
Be a big sib.
GRADUATE MENTORING PROGRAMS. You can make a difference in the Berkeley student family with your positive influence!...
Cheering on your career.
BSA STAFF MENTORSHIP. Help new staff onboard even quicker with a better understanding of the Berkeley organizational culture...
Co-works both ways.
HELPING A COLLEAGUE. Like we care for our students, we can be aware of the well-being of those we work with, who are often friends...
Environmentally friendly.
BERKELEY SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVES. Get involved with a wide range of options that help our community thrive...
In care of...
HELPING A FRIEND. We count on our friends, and they count on us. Let's watch out for each other when things get especially tough...
It's our call.
HELPING A STUDENT. As a graduate/professional, faculty, or staff member we work to ensure the safety and wellness of our students in need...
Jolly good fellows.
FUNG FELLOWSHIP. Want to help address real-world public health challenges facing at-risk populations? Our fellows are working on it...
Lead on, you Bears.
PEER PROGRAMS. Get involved with health programs, volunteer, or join an advisory board to create impact in your student community...
Professor priorities.
BEST PRACTICES FOR FACULTY MENTORING. Tenure-track faculty develop more sustainably with constructive reviews and mentoring...
Research and resurge.
SMART MENTORING. Bring your PhD professional development to a new level by mentoring a qualified undergraduate in a research project...
Taking prevention to the next level.
PATH TO CARE CENTER. Want to improve your department's culture and prevention of sexual/relationship violence and sexual harassment?...
Walking the talk.
SUPPORT FOR INCLUSION. Berkeley faculty have a responsibility to shape our future leaders and strengthen their integrity...
Wearing heart on your sleeve.
WELLNESS APPAREL PROJECT. EOP students get fit, fashionable, and free stuff. This outfit (get it?) brings the love in the form of workout wear...
Wellness woot-woot!
WELLNESS AMBASSADORS. Be the resident wellness expert (and champion) in your faculty or staff department!...
What a difference a day makes.
PUBLIC SERVICE CENTER. Offering your time, energy, resources to benefit the public is not only good for the community, it's good for your soul!...
You know it, now tell the story.
BERKELEY CONNECT PROGRAM. Share your smarts and experience with students in your field as a Berkeley Connect Fellow. Faculty coaches will guide you...