Professional Development

Courage. Compassion. Resilience. Repeat.

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MAKING GREAT WORKPLACES. In what kinds of environments do we perform at our best?...

Research suggests in positive rather than stressful or threatening environmentsPersonal courage, compassion, and resilience help get us there.

What are the potential benefits for us and the people we work with if we cultivated them? This article suggests that humans have a desire to work powerfully and...

Chart from your heart.

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STAFF DEVELOPMENT. If you're ready for a change in the scenery that is your career, you might need a boost to know how to start the process...

Lots of useful tools to help you navigate your potential future. HR has several resources to explore and chart your course, including the self-guided Career Development Assessment, Learning/Professional Development, the Wisdom Café, and if you're entertaining a long stretch at UC, My UC Career.

Roll on, you Bears.