You're an angel.

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HELPING A FRIEND. Stressed out or uncomfortable because you're around someone who may be distressed and you don't know how to help...

While there could be many reasons, check these resources and see if you can find something appropriate. That's what friends are for...

Family matters.

icon for faculty audiences specifically

FACULTY BACKUP FAMILY CARE. Worried because regular child or adult/elder care is unavailable for a family member and you have to work?...

UC Berkeley has partnered with Bright Horizons to offer all ladder rank faculty members and lecturers SOE back-up care.

For example:

When your regular caregiver/stay-at-home spouse is unavailable. When you are between child or adult/elder care arrangements. When your child's regular child care...

Dance of the diploma dollars.

icon for undergraduate student audiences specifically

UNDERGRAD FINANCIAL AID. Don't worry, you'll get the steps if you take a minute to learn them and practice...

Stick with it and you'll feel more secure about loans, alternative funding sources, and general financial literacy.

Balancing act.

icon for all student audiences

BE WELL AT CAL. Your wellness depends on how much attention you give to your entire being and how you spend your time and energy...

If something is weighing heavy or not supporting your well-being, you have the power to change it right now to regain your balance. Be kind to yourself as you do this—just start over if things get a little wobbly again, NBD.

Academic advantages.

icon for faculty audiences specifically

FACULTY WELFARE.The responsibilities of faculty are many on top of teaching, research, and public service. We're here to assist you...

Resources help you with academic operations, relocation, family, retirement, and more. Meeting your needs helps you bring your best to your work.

Teaching tools.

graphic for graduate/professional student audiences specifically - one click

GSI RESOURCES. It can be quite a lot to handle, teaching on top of doing your own graduate studies and projects. We're here to help you thrive...

Find tips and information to help make your experience more enjoyable, such as on your role in the overall campus structure, classroom dynamics, best practices specific to your department, preparation, and more. We want to set you up for success!