GRADUATE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Exploring your potential career destinations is exciting, but how do you prepare for your journey?...
It might be overwhelming, but your trip advisory team of graduate program faculty, student groups, and staff networks will be your guides. They can offer activities that help you chart professional development goals and build skills vital to your specific career path (better writing and presenting, anyone?).
CAREER COUNSELING LIBRARY. Take advantage of this unique collection of books, files, directories and electronic resources—and dream!...
Professional staff will help you explore majors, careers and graduate programs. It's never a bad idea to get more clarity about your trajectory. Imagine that!
STUDENT LEGAL SERVICES. Counsel and guidance for registered students regarding their legal questions, rights, and obligations...
Consultation with the Attorney for Students may cover topics such as landlord-tenant disputes, citations for a criminal infraction/misdemeanor, or other questions pertaining to Small Claims Court, credit card debt, car accidents/insurance, or family law.
SURVIVOR SUPPORT. If you've experienced sexual violence/harassment, know it's not your fault...
Immediate help is available to you when you are ready.
If you'd like to help someone going through this, resources are here for you, too. We value a culture that prioritizes consent and respect; one that responds to and supports survivors and their allies.
Through confidential, non-judgmental counseling, our Social Services alcohol and drug specialists are available to talk with you about your own use or that of a friend or family member.
Research suggests in positive rather than stressful or threatening environmentsPersonal courage, compassion, and resilience help get us there.
What are the potential benefits for us and the people we work with if we cultivated them? This article suggests that humans have a desire to work powerfully and...
These helpful modules are from the #beyourbestbear campaign. They tackle some of the barriers that come between you and your scholastic best. Hello, Best Bear!