GRAD/PROF | joyful

We are one.

icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

OTHERNESS AND BELONGING [video]. John Powell from the Greater Good Science Institute speaks about the interconnectedness of all of us...

He inspires us to treat one another as our own.

Plant yourself here.

icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

UC BOTANICAL GARDEN. Nothing restores like Nature. Come here to be inspired by shapes, colors, sounds, scents, and appreciate the beauty...

(Remember that we cannot breathe without trees and green plants!)

FREE ADMISSION to UCB faculty, staff, and students. Nominal fees associated parking lot or shuttles available from campus. While you're here, you can meditate, contemplate, or rejuvenate while you recalibrate. Life is good!

We're all in.

icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

ON SPIRITUALITY AND BELONGING [audio]. The key: identifying our common values and purpose...

Our sense of belonging increases, nurtures inclusivity. We can be catalysts in our communities—by encouraging storytelling and helping people see our many parallels.

If our experience has brought us to a point of realizing that we belong to a common existence, then we can share it with others to create change. Sonali Sangeeta Balajee shares...

Very vary good.

icon for all student audiences

BE WELL AT CAL. These guidelines are nice suggestions on how you can be more intentional and engaged with your wellness goals...

Prefer to stick to a routine or to change up the way you get to the same ends? No matter how you do it, it's all good. YOU set the parameters, YOU know what's good for you— and not so good. Your program is your program. Own it!—keep things realistic and your commitments will stay strong toward your ultimate...

Smooches from pooches.

icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

PET HUGS. The wagging, the licking—we guarantee your day will get brighter!...

Every first Tuesday of the month during the academic year.

Live, from Berkeley, it's...

icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

CAL PERFORMANCES. Feel the passion live performers bring and use it to charge up your own creativity in your daily life!...

Treat your soul to a wide variety of performing arts, from dance to spoken word.

DEEP DISCOUNTS for students, faculty, and staff!

Keeping the doors open.

icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

KEYS TO WELL-BEING. These ten building blocks are good reminders of how we can maintain our happiness...

If one of the areas in your life is needing a little love, you can always take a moment to figure out how to recalibrate!

Always remember to be gentle with yourself, and take every opportunity to show others by example that well-being is attainable for anyone because it's real (and not always easy to stay balanced).

I gotta be me.

icon for all student audiences

SEXUAL HEALTH AND SEXUALITY. Celebrate your sexual identity and all that it means to your sexual health and being...

Sure, some people might feel threatened by your self-awareness, but never be ashamed of yourself for being who you are.

Treat your mind and body with respect by knowing the biological, physical, emotional, social, erotic, and spiritual aspects of your unique sexuality.

Does you a world of good.

icon for all student audiences

STUDY ABROAD PROGRAM. An experience of a lifetime—discover things about yourself while you study in another country...

Traveling abroad helps us appreciate home more as well...

Berkeley has a wide variety of options. You earn college credit.


icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

BAM/PFA. Develop your love for these exciting forms of media at the shiny Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive and find inspiration...

How do you tell your own stories? Express yourself creatively?

FREE ADMISSION to the galleries for students, staff, and faculty. Significant discounts on film tickets.