I'm feeling ISOLATED

photo of the silhouette of a single, indistinguishable person in the library; background has view of surrounding wooded areas


Turn up your determination to find support in the unique way you need it—it's out there.

Unlike being good with solitude, feeling like you don’t belong can be extremely upsetting. Sure, you might find it easier just to stay home alone. But you also have the option to connect with companions, caregivers, mentors, affinity groups, communities or others you trust. Connections can be a good remedy to feeling literally out of it.

receive. reassert. recalibrate.


Content Filters


Collective soul.

icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

ON SPIRITUALITY AND BELONGING [audio]. Barriers dissolve as we find shared meaning and purpose...

Connection for the win.

icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

INCREASING CLOSENESS EXERCISES. Feeling you're just not connecting with someone, or your team?...

Disjointed no more.

icon for all student audiences

STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS. Get involved! Join fellow students and have fun doing those things that you share in common...

Feather in a whirlwind.

icon for all student audiences

BERKELEY CONNECT PROGRAM. You can get more settled through personalized conversations with a mentor...

In a related story...

icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

OTHERNESS AND BELONGING [video]. If we separate ourselves from others it can lead to fear...

Love you furry much.

icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

PET HUGS. Get a quick dose of happiness! We guarantee your day will get brighter...

On the outs in the office.

icon for faculty/staff audiences

STAFF OMBUDS. This safe space provides strictly confidential, impartial and informal conflict resolution and problem-solving services...

One of us! One of us!

icon for faculty/staff audiences

IDENTITY-BASED ORGANIZATIONS. Celebrate our staff diversity in a safe space on campus—share, support, and learn about each other.

Trust ’em, they’re professionals.

icon for faculty/staff audiences

COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE (CoP). Enjoy being around other staff with similar and particular professional interests...

We belong together.

icon for all student audiences

COMMUNITY-SPECIFIC HEALTH. We often turn to communities who understand our unique struggles...

You and me, both.

icon for faculty/staff audiences

SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS. Come out of your shell with a community that focuses on advancing a specific area of knowledge...