STAFF | isolated

You and me, both.

icon for faculty/staff audiences

SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS. Come out of your shell with a community that focuses on advancing a specific area of knowledge...

Work is usually focused on specific tasks or interests with no official governing body.

Here are the current groups on campus:

Berkeley HEROES
University Section Club
W6BB Amateur Radio Club

Staff Organizations work together to offer individuals the opportunity to become more...

Trust ’em, they’re professionals.

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COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE (CoP). Enjoy being around other staff with similar and particular professional interests...

Share knowledge and offer professional development, where the leadership provides expert advice and mentorship to members. It's easy to join:

Academic Business Officers Group (ABOG)
Berkeley Events Network (BEN)
Berkeley Facilitator Network (BFN)
Berkeley Research Administrators Group (BRAG)

One of us! One of us!

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IDENTITY-BASED ORGANIZATIONS. Celebrate our staff diversity in a safe space on campus—share, support, and learn about each other...

Which community(ies) do you identify with?...

Asian Pacific American Systemwide Alliance (APASA)
Berkeley Staff Assembly (BSA)
Berkeley Veterans
Black Staff & Faculty Organization (BSFO)
Cal Women's Network
Chancellor's Staff Advisory Committee (CSAC)
LavenderCal -...

On the outs in the office.

icon for faculty/staff audiences

STAFF OMBUDS. This safe space provides strictly confidential, impartial and informal conflict resolution and problem-solving services...

Get help toward reaching a reasonable solution. For all Staff, Non-Senate Academics, and Faculty who perform management functions.

Love you furry much.

icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

PET HUGS. Get a quick dose of happiness! We guarantee your day will get brighter...

Every first Tuesday of the month during the academic year.

In a related story...

icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

OTHERNESS AND BELONGING [video]. If we separate ourselves from others it can lead to fear...

John Powell from the Haas Institute speaks about inter-/intra-relatedness and the myths of inside/outside...

When we ”other“ someone, we not only deny that person, but we deny ourselves. [time stamp 2:30] At Berkeley, we have a very diverse population. We have an opportunity to recognize and practice inclusion starting with our own selves; to push through our...

Connection for the win.

icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

INCREASING CLOSENESS EXERCISES. Feeling you're just not connecting with someone, or your team?...

Building close relationships in adulthood can be challenging.

Try these exercises to increase your capacity to work with classmates or colleagues. Social situations often involve polite small talk, not heart-to-heart conversations, so it's difficult to really connect deeply with people. Research suggests that spending just 45 minutes...

Collective soul.

icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

ON SPIRITUALITY AND BELONGING [audio]. Barriers dissolve as we find shared meaning and purpose...

We can feel more connected if we open up our scope and look at the big picture.

Check out this article by Sonali Sangeeta Balajee (Haas Institute) and her 10-minute interview, and see how you...