I want the world to know.

icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

LGBTQ COMING OUT. You can find a ton of support in this big step, or for cultivating pride...

We want you to show your true (rainbow) colors, but only when you're ready, of course.


icon for faculty/staff audiences

HUMAN RESOURCES CONFLICT RESOLUTION. Workplace conflict is actually normal and healthy and there are ways to manage it effectively...

Differences in work goals or personal styles, change or stress can be contributing factors. But resolution is attainable! And when that happens, it can strengthen work units, improve communication, and result in greater productivity.

Check out these resources to help you identify your challenge and where you can seek resolution. See...

Professor de-stressor.

icon for faculty audiences specifically

FACULTY OMBUDS. A confidential,* informal, impartial alternative for work-related problem and conflict resolution...

Ombudspersons do not issue reports or findings. They do not keep written records or act as witnesses in possible subsequent proceedings.

(*Exception: imminent risk of serious harm involving a physical threat; cases of sexual violence/harassment)