See yourself on an innovation project team? Want to help with the waste programs?
You can make a difference! Sustainability encompasses many dimensions, including human welfare and financial stewardship in addition to our environmental care of the earth. Find out what makes your heart sing, and the Berkeley community (and the world) will sing...
WELLNESS APPAREL PROJECT. EOP students get fit, fashionable, and free stuff. This outfit (get it?) brings the love in the form of workout wear...
New or gently used sneakers, shirts, shorts, and other items are made available to students in need.
Born at Rec Sports's Caltopia 2016, this compassionate recycling effort provides for those eligible students who would otherwise not have stuff while they work their bodies. Join Rec Sports and EOP in helping out with your donation and brighten someone...
BERKELEY CONNECT PROGRAM. Share your smarts and experience with students in your field as a Berkeley Connect Fellow. Faculty coaches will guide you...
They'll help you hone your mentorship and facilitation skills, advance your scholarly research, and prepare you for the job market. Stipend, tuition, and fee remission!
SMART MENTORING. Bring your PhD professional development to a new level by mentoring a qualified undergraduate in a research project...
Here's your chance at a win-win: Looks good on your record and hones your skills while your mentee gains expertise in research methods, and carves out sweeter educational and career paths for themselves.
GRADUATE MENTORING PROGRAMS.You can make a difference in the Berkeley student family with your positive influence!...
While there's no parent badgering you to do it here, it's the older, more experienced ones like yourself who can help shape the lives of the ones just starting out...
Mentoring is not only good for you in your professional development, it helps keep the high standard of excellence that Berkeley is known for. Several ways to engage.
VOLUNTEERING.You're smart, have a good heart, and can bring yourself and your experience to do something for the common good...
Even an hour a week can make a big difference!
Check out the many ways you can help the Berkeley community, in addition to other external causes. Offer your time, attention, money, or any other resource you can share. You're likely to expand your network or add something new to your professional development...