Career Development

On-the-job training.

icon for all student audiences

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EMPLOYMENT RESOURCES. Programs and services tailored for you!...

Adding to all of the typical confusion and transition most students encounter while at school, international students have even more layers to peel back.

From counseling, to hiring strategies, preparation tools, and work authorizations, to workshops, the Career Center offers help specific to the international student experience at Berkeley.

Well-employed system.

icon for faculty/staff audiences

WISDOM CAFE. Looking to break out of your same ol' same ol' at work and enrich your experience as an employee?...

Or to find ways to do your job better or to explore other aspects of your career?

Learn new skills in management or leadership, join community groups, or get career and professional development tips—all found here!

Did you know that employees get free access to classes on LinkedIn Learning? What clips from this year's NOW Conference...

Suitable pursuits.

icon for all audiences: students, faculty, and staff

CAREER CENTER. Your future best fit is out there! What does the path to your first (or next) career position or gig look like?...

And what are your steps to get there? Or are you feeling like you've plateaued in your current position?

Get resources and advice to explore options. Go find your match.

Life is but a dream job.

icon for all student audiences

CAREER COUNSELING LIBRARY. Take advantage of this unique collection of books, files, directories and electronic resources—and dream!...

Professional staff will help you explore majors, careers and graduate programs. It's never a bad idea to get more clarity about your trajectory. Imagine that!

Chart from your heart.

icon for faculty/staff audiences

STAFF DEVELOPMENT. If you're ready for a change in the scenery that is your career, you might need a boost to know how to start the process...

Lots of useful tools to help you navigate your potential future. HR has several resources to explore and chart your course, including the self-guided Career Development Assessment, Learning/Professional Development, the Wisdom Café, and if you're entertaining a long stretch at UC, My UC Career.

Roll on, you Bears.