One-Click for Graduate/Professional Students

hero image: Gregory McLaskey (PhD '11 CEE) with the tabletop model of a quake fault he built in Steven Glaser's lab

Click and you're there

You know what you want and you need it fast. The ONE-CLICK MODE is a very straightforward process. Scan the graduate/professional resources here and access them right away.


word graphic: "i can't afford to buy myself healthy food."

Basic Needs Security

word graphic: "i'm in crisis—experiencing emotional distress."

Urgent Concerns at UHS

word graphic: "i need sexual violence/harassment support."

Survivor Support

word graphic: "i need help resolving a campus issue."

Student Ombudsperson

word graphic: "i'm a busy student parent in a pinch."

Backup Childcare


word graphic: "i'm worried about a student and want to help."

Care for Distressed Students

word graphic: "i'm worried about a friend and want to help."

Lending a Hand


word graphic: "what kinds of financial aid options do i have?"

Grad/Professional Financial Aid

word graphic: "how can i prepare for my career while i'm here?"

Grad/Professional Development


word graphic: "i want to check out the RSF and get fit in mind & body."

Recreational Sports

word graphic: "what are some well-being tips for me & my community?"

Greater Good Science Center

word graphic: "i need health care from a clinician or advice nurse."

University Health Services

word graphic: "how do i get somewhere on/by campus safely?"

Night Safety Services

word graphic: "i need to sort something out with a counselor."

General Counseling Services


word graphic: "i'd like to get involved with student orgs & events"

CalLink | Student Organizations

word graphic: "i'm looking for resources that align with my communities."

Community-Specific Care